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"You" means the Individual Copyright owner who submits a Contribution to Us. If You are an employee and submit the Contribution as part of your employment, You have had Your employer approve this Agreement or sign the Entity version of this document.
  • "Contribution" means any original work of authorship (software and/or documentation) including any modifications or additions to an existing work, Submitted by You to Us, in which You own the Copyright. If You do not own the Copyright in the entire work of authorship, please contact Us at {P1.Email}.
  • "Copyright" means all rights protecting works of authorship owned or controlled by You, including copyright, moral and neighboring rights, as appropriate, for the full term of their existence including any extensions by You.
  • "Material" means the software or documentation made available by Us to third parties. When this Agreement covers more than one software project, the Material means the software or documentation to which the Contribution was Submitted. After You Submit the Contribution, it may be included in the Material.