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Version naming
Versioning is a vast subject, handled on a number of different levels. Additional solutions will be found, but the basics are simple.
  1. "Git" provides a comprehensive, ever-present, general-purpose, nearly fool-proof platform for versioning. It provides a unique cryptographic key for each "state" of the materials. That eliminates most doubt and arguments about what was said, when, by whom. We will use it and suggest that you do, too. We will rely to the extent available on git repos curated by the WorldCC and other neutral organizations to further avoid doubt and demonstrate our intent to have a constructive relationship with you.
  2. Among those materials, the "current" version is "0.md". Currently, of course means that it can change. Static versions can be made in the format 01.md, 02.md. Those are represented by the host to be static and not to change. git provides a way to verify whether true. So we suggest that in our negotiations, that we exchange drafts as "0.md" and if either of us wants to save-out a version that we copy the (then current) 0.md as a new xx.md. 01.md works, but we could also do 2017-09-14a.md, etc. as lawyers sometimes do.
  3. Blockchains and IPFS (ipfs.io) provide more comprehensive solutions, as do contract management software applications. Our focus here is on the document standards, but this blends with actual transacting, which should be on whatever platform the parties want.