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Planning - Making "Yes" Better
>- Planning happens differently depending on the circumstances, but let's schematize. Let's presume the parties have found one another and now want to increment their relationship by, for instance, agreeing to keep one another's confidences, lend some money, benefit from some service.
- They need to decide on documents - to "self-legislate" the "law of the parties":
- Find a range of paradigms, practically speaking some documents, set of documents or precedent transactions;
- Evaluate separately and collectively adopt;
- Bridge differences;
- Sign; and
- Launch performance.
> - The law of the parties is the focus of CommonAccord. This is based on text and collaboratively developed by lawyers. For parties, selecting the right one mostly depends on social knowledge, following their lawyer's recommendation, or that of reputed experts or their peers. The coding community shows how to collaborate on text efficiently. That can be combined with traditional legal methods of model docs, codification and commentary. Big data methods can also help.
- Sign and Perform are the domain of the blockchain and other methods.