Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode) Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
{- "edges" : [ "data" {
- "Ti" : "Overview" ,
"1.sec" : "CommonAccord allows more efficient document handling than conventional systems. It expresses documents as leafs on a tree, attached to twigs on branches that trace back to trunks of legal code, rooted in legal practice and experience. <sup>(\"Block that metaphor.\")</sup> The innovation is a uniquely simple approach to text \"objects.\" By simplifying programming, both law and IT are demystified." ,
"2.0.sec" : "Documents in CommonAccord's \"Cmacc\" format enable:" ,
"2.1.sec" : "Legal actors to get on the same page. Via model document projects and contributions from interested parties, it is possible to codify areas of law in the same iterative way that software is developed." ,
"2.2.sec" : "Parties to negotiate from public models." ,
"2.3.sec" : "Efficient management of the legal function. Creation of new documents is a matter of adding leafs on existing branches or twigs. This makes it easy to supervise, to prepare reports, to identify trends and anomalies." ,
"2.4.sec" : "Efficient operation of marketplaces. An ideal market allows participants to transact by negotiating only deal points. \"Objects\" allow any transaction to serve as a precedent for others. By eliminating the cost of reproducing a precedent, patterns of use can sharpen and become quasi-standards." ,
"2.5.sec" : "Decentralization of decision-making. Reducing the opacity of regulations, law, and IT reduces \"transaction costs\" (Coase) and the advantages of centralization." ,
"3.sec" : "The CommonAccord document model is compatible with new peer-based transacting platforms such as blockchain, and perhaps necessary for their extension to the full range of relationships. When combined with access systems such as <a href=\"i.php?v=s&f=GH/KantaraInitiative/UMA-Text/0.md\">UMA</a> (user-managed-access), it provides a complete, simple, open source system of automation. Because these systems are built with strong encryption and open source scrutiny they can be more secure than legacy infrastructure." ,
"Note" : "\"Leafs\" is used instead of leaves, on the justification that is is a \"headless\" noun - Pinker. Cf. computer mice. \"Leaves\" also invites momentary confusion of the \"eats leaves and shoots\" variety." ,