page presents the international transfer form - Annex to the Commission Implementing Decision on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
The base document is The base document contemplates four use cases which it annotates as "MODULES".
  1. MODULE ONE: Transfer controller to controller
  2. MODULE TWO: Transfer controller to processor
  3. MODULE THREE: Transfer processor to processor
  4. MODULE FOUR: Transfer processor to controller

We present here the four use cases as filters on the basic document. So, instead of reading about MODULE ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, all in one document, you can read about only the use case that applies to your situation. These others are filters on the base document. (Go look at them, you'll understand quicker than with an explanation.) The full text is available in the base.
There remain a few choices in each use case that are "orthogonal" to the use case and remain in the document as choices.
Note that choices are presented in an (alarming) magenta color, and have a little bit of instructions about how to make the choice in your own use case.
You can use these docs by referencing them, either as such (include a reference to the time you reviewed or to the git "commit" hash), or by making your own Cmacc instance.
The hope is that these will become more granular and more annotated, including with explanatory materials and with smart code.
Some other useful resources:
Bird & Bird commentary: Their useful table of C2C,C2P, P2P, P2C (MODULES 1-4) should be compared to the four filters in this repository.
Redline and discussion: