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Note = This "form" is only the SPA, not the SPA with Exhibits, Schedules, etc. Because the SPA is intended to be used with those documents, we reference it here using the prefix "SPA.". On the web, our (nearly free) hosting limits the rendering so we show only some of the sections here to speed it up.
Rep.Seller.Inventory.FILO.sec = {Rep.Seller.Inventory.FILO.Alt1.sec}
Def. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Def/0.md]
Construe. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Construe/0.md]
Sale. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Sale/0.md]
Rep.Seller. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Rep/Seller/0.md]
Rep.Buyer. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Rep/Buyer/0.md]
Cov.Seller. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Cov/Seller/0.md]
Cov.Buyer. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Cov/Buyer/0.md]
Cov.After. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Cov/After/0.md]
Cond.Buyer. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Cond/Buyer/0.md]
Cond.Seller. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Cond/Seller/0.md]
Life. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Life/0.md]
Claim. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Claim/0.md]
Misc. = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Misc/0.md]
_ = [G/ABA-MSPA-SPA-CmA/Sec/Def/_/0.md]
Doc.Ti = Stock Purchase Agreement
sec =
  1. {Def-Construe.Sec}
  2. {Sale.Sec}
  3. {Rep.Sec}
  4. {Cov.Sec}
  5. {Cond.Sec}
  6. {Life.Sec}
  7. {Claim.Sec}
  8. {Misc.Sec}
Def-Construe.Sec = {Def-Construe.Ti}
  1. {Def.Sec}
  2. {Construe.Sec}
Rep.Sec = {Rep.Seller.Sec}
  • {Rep.Buyer.Sec}
  • Cov.Sec = {Cov.Seller.Sec}
  • {Cov.Buyer.Sec}
  • {Cov.After.Sec}
  • Cond.Sec = {Cond.Buyer.Sec}
  • {Cond.Seller.Sec}
  • Def-Construe.Ti = Definitions and Usage
    This.sec = This {Doc.Ti} (“{_Agreement}”) is made as of {EffectiveDate.YMD} by {Buyer.US.N,E,A} (“{_Buyer}”), and those individuals who have executed the signature page to this Agreement (collectively, “{_Sellers}” and individually, a “{_Seller}”).
    Why.secs = {_Sellers} desire to sell, and Buyer desires to purchase, all issued and outstanding shares (the “{_Shares}”) of capital stock of {Company.US.N,E,A} (the “{_Company}”), for the consideration and on the terms set forth in this {_Agreement}.
    That.sec = The parties, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:
    Exh.2.Sec = Form of Exhibit 2
    Exh.8.Sec = Form of Exhibit 8
    Exh.9.Sec = Form of Exhibit 9
    Sched.2.Sec = Form of Schedule 2
    /DL.Sec = Form of Disclosure Letter
    q = ,
    Note = Cross References (these can be further automated):
    Sale.Price.Notes.Xref = Section 2.2(b)
    Sale.Price.Escrow.Xref = Section 2.2(c)
    Sale.Price.Xref = Section 2.2
    Sale.Closing.Xref = Section 2.3
    Sale.ClosingObligations.Seller.Xref = Section 2.4(a)
    Sale.ClosingObligations.Seller.Release.Xref = Section 2.4(a)(v)
    Sale.ClosingObligations.Seller.EmployAgt.Xref = Section 2.4(a)(vi)
    Sale.ClosingObligations.Seller.EscrowAgt.Xref = Section 2.4(a)(vii)
    Sale.ClosingObligations.Buyer.Xref = Section 2.4(b)
    Sale.ClosingObligations.Xref = Section 2.4
    Sale.AdjustPrice.Calculate.Xref = Section 2.5(a)
    Sale.AdjustPrice.Interest.Xref = Section 2.5(c)
    Sale.AdjustPrice.Xref = Section 2.5
    Sale.AdjustProcedure.Balance.Xref = Section 2.6(a)
    Sale.AdjustProcedure.ObjectPeriod.Xref = Section 2.6(c)
    Sale.AdjustProcedure.Accountant.Xref = Section 2.6(d)
    Sale.AdjustProcedure.Accountants.EngageAgt.Xref = Section 2.6(f)(i)
    Sale.AdjustProcedure.Xref = Section 2.6
    Rep.Seller.Tax.Xref = Section 3.11
    Rep.Seller.Tax.Returns.Xref = Section 3.11(a)
    Rep.Seller.Tax(b).Xref = Section 3.11(b)
    Rep.Seller.Tax(e).Xref = Section 3.11(e)
    Rep.Seller.AdverseChange.Xref = Section 3.12
    Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(a).Xref = Section 3.13(a)
    Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(c).Xref = Section 3.13(c)
    Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(d).Xref = Section 3.13(d)
    Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits.Xref = Section 3.13
    Rep.Seller.Event.Xref = Section 3.16
    Rep.Seller.Contract(a)(v).Xref = Section 3.17(a)(v)
    Rep.Seller.Contract(a).Xref = Section 3.17(a)
    Rep.Seller.Contract(b).Xref = Section 3.17(b)
    Rep.Seller.Contract(c).Xref = Section 3.17(c)
    Rep.Seller.Insure(a).Xref = Section 3.18(a)
    Rep.Seller.Insure(c).Xref = Section 3.18(c)
    Rep.Seller.Insure(d).Xref = Section 3.18(d)
    Rep.Seller.Insure(f).Xref = Section 3.18(f)
    Rep.Seller.Insure.Xref = Section 3.18
    Rep.Seller.Environment(e).Xref = Section 3.19(e)
    Rep.Seller.Environment.Xref = Section 3.19
    Rep.Seller.Organized.Xref = Section 3.1
    Rep.Seller.Authorized.Xref = Section 3.2
    Rep.Seller.Authorized(a).Xref = Section 3.2(a)
    Rep.Seller.Authorized(b).Xref = Section 3.2(b)
    Rep.Seller.Authorized(c).Xref = Section 3.2(c)
    Rep.Seller.Personnel(a).Xref = Section 3.20(a)
    Rep.Seller.Personnel(b).Xref = Section 3.20(b)
    Rep.Seller.Personnel(c).Xref = Section 3.20(c)
    Rep.Seller.Personnel(d).Xref = Section 3.20(d)
    Rep.Seller.Personnel(e).Xref = Section 3.20(e)
    Rep.Seller.IP(a)(i).Xref = Section 3.22(a)(i)
    Rep.Seller.IP(a)(ii).Xref = Section 3.22(a)(ii)
    Rep.Seller.IP(a)(iii).Xref = Section 3.22(a)(iii)
    Rep.Seller.IP(a)(v).Xref = Section 3.22(a)(v)
    Rep.Seller.IP(a)(vi).Xref = Section 3.22(a)(vi)
    Rep.Seller.IP(a)(vii).Xref = Section 3.22(a)(vii)
    Rep.Seller.IP(a).Xref = Section 3.22(a)
    Rep.Seller.IP(c)(i).Xref = Section 3.22(c)(i)
    Rep.Seller.IP(c).Xref = Section 3.22(c)
    Rep.Seller.IP(d).Xref = Section 3.22(d)
    Rep.Seller.IP(e).Xref = Section 3.22(e)
    Rep.Seller.IP(h).Xref = Section 3.22(h)
    Rep.Seller.Insider.Xref = Section 3.24
    Rep.Seller.Securities.Xref = Section 3.25
    Rep.Seller.CustomerAndSupplier.Xref = Section 3.26
    Rep.Seller.ProductLiability(b).Xref = Section 3.27(b)
    Rep.Seller.Broker.Xref = Section 3.28
    Rep.Seller.True.Xref = Section 3.29
    Rep.Seller.Capitalized(a).Xref = Section 3.3(a)
    Rep.Seller.Capitalized(b).Xref = Section 3.3(b)
    Rep.Seller.Capitalized.Xref = Section 3.3
    Rep.Seller.FinancialStatements.Xref = Section 3.4
    Rep.Seller.Property(a).Xref = Section 3.6(a)
    Rep.Seller.Property(b).Xref = Section 3.6(b)
    Rep.Seller.Property(c).Xref = Section 3.6(c)
    Rep.Seller.Property(d).Xref = Section 3.6(d)
    Rep.Buyer.Organized.Xref = Section 4.1
    Rep.Buyer.Authorized.Xref = Section 4.2
    Rep.Buyer.Broker.Xref = Section 4.5
    Cov.Seller.Xref = Section 5
    Cov.Seller.Access.Xref = Section 5.1
    Cov.Buyer.Xref = Section 6
    Cov.Buyer.Filings.Xref = Section 6.1
    Cov.Buyer.Efforts.Xref = Section 6.3
    Cov.After.Compete.Xref = Section 7.2
    Cov.After.Conf(a).Xref = Section 7.3(a)
    Cov.After.Conf(b).Xref = Section 7.3(b)
    Cov.After.Conf(d).Xref = Section 7.3(d)
    Cov.After.Conf.Xref = Section 7.3
    Cond.Buyer.Xref = Section 8
    Cond.Buyer.Rep(a).Xref = Section 8.1(a)
    Cond.Buyer.Rep(b).Xref = Section 8.1(b)
    Cond.Buyer.Rep.Xref = Section 8.1
    Cond.Buyer.Financing.Xref = Section 8.11
    Cond.Buyer.Perform.Xref = Section 8.2
    Cond.Buyer.BringDown.Xref = Section 8.3
    Cond.Buyer.Consents.Xref = Section 8.4
    Cond.Buyer.Documents(a).Xref = Section 8.6(a)
    Cond.Buyer.Documents(b).Xref = Section 8.6(b)
    Cond.Buyer.Documents(c).Xref = Section 8.6(c)
    Cond.Seller.Xref = Section 9
    Cond.Seller.Rep.Xref = Section 9.1
    Cond.Seller.Perform.Xref = Section 9.2
    Cond.Seller.BringDown.Xref = Section 9.3
    Life.Xref = Section 10
    Life.Terminate.Event(d).Xref = Section 10.1(d)
    Life.Terminate.Event.Xref = Section 10.1
    Life.Terminate.Effect.Xref = Section 10.2
    Claim.Xref = Section 11
    Claim.Buyer(a).Xref = Section 11.2(a)
    Claim.Buyer(f).Xref = Section 11.2(f)
    Claim.Buyer.Xref = Section 11.2
    Claim.Buyer.Environment.Xref = Section 11.3
    Claim.Seller.Xref = Section 11.4
    Claim.Seller(a).Xref = Section 11.4(a)
    Claim.Limit.Sum.Xref = Section 11.6
    Claim.Limit.Sum(a).Xref = Section 11.6(a)
    Claim.Limit.Sum(b).Xref = Section 11.6(b)
    Claim.Setoff.Xref = Section 11.7
    Claim.3Party(a).Xref = Section 11.8(a)
    Claim.3Party(b)(i).Xref = Section 11.8(b)(i)
    Claim.3Party(c).Xref = Section 11.8(c)
    Claim.3Party(d).Xref = Section 11.8(d)
    Claim.3Party.Xref = Section 11.8
    Claim.3Party.4.Xref = Section 11.8(d)
    Misc.Xref = Section 12
    Misc.Tribunal.Xref = Section 12.13
    Misc.Injunction.Xref = Section 12.16
    Misc.Notice.Xref = Section 12.18
    Misc.SellerRepresentative(a).Xref = Section 12.5(a)
    Misc.SellerRepresentative.Xref = Section 12.5
    Misc.Assign.Xref = Section 12.9
    Exh.2.2(b).Xref = Exhibit 2.2(b)
    Exh.2.4(a)(v).Xref = Exhibit 2.4(a)(v)
    Exh.2.4(a)(vi).Xref = Exhibit 2.4(a)(vi)
    Exh.2.4(a)(vii).Xref = Exhibit 2.4(a)(vii)
    Exh.2.6(a).Xref = Exhibit 2.6(a)
    Exh.8.4.Xref = Exhibit 8.4
    Exh.8.6(a).Xref = Exhibit 8.6(a)
    Exh.8.6(b).Xref = Exhibit 8.6(b)
    Exh.8.6(c).Xref = Exhibit 8.6(c)
    Exh.9.4.Xref = Exhibit 9.4
    Exh.9.5(a).Xref = Exhibit 9.5(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Organized.Xref = Part 3.1
    DL.Rep.Seller.Authorized(a).Xref = Part 3.2(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Authorized(b).Xref = Part 3.2(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Authorized(c).Xref = Part 3.2(c)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Capitalized(a).Xref = Part 3.3(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Capitalized(b).Xref = Part 3.3(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Capitalized.Xref = Part 3.3
    DL.Rep.Seller.4.Xref = Part 3.4
    DL.Rep.Seller.Property(a).Xref = Part 3.6(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Property(b).Xref = Part 3.6(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Property(c).Xref = Part 3.6(c)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Property(d).Xref = Part 3.6(d)
    DL.Rep.Seller.AccountsReceivable.Xref = Part 3.8
    DL.Rep.Seller.Inventory.Xref = Part 3.9
    DL.Rep.Seller.Liability.Xref = Part 3.10
    DL.Rep.Seller.Tax.Returns.Xref = Part 3.11(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Tax(b).Xref = Part 3.11(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Tax(e).Xref = Part 3.11(e)
    DL.Rep.Seller.AdverseChange.Xref = Part 3.12
    DL.Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(a).Xref = Part 3.13(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(c).Xref = Part 3.13(c)
    DL.Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(d).Xref = Part 3.13(d)
    DL.Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(e).Xref = Part 3.13(e)
    DL.Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(f).Xref = Part 3.13(f)
    DL.Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits(m).Xref = Part 3.13(m)
    DL.Rep.Seller.EmployeeBenefits.Xref = Part 3.13
    DL.Rep.Seller.Compliance(a).Xref = Part 3.14(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Compliance(b).Xref = Part 3.14(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Litigation(a).Xref = Part 3.15(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Litigation(b).Xref = Part 3.15(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Litigation(c).Xref = Part 3.15(c)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Event.Xref = Part 3.16
    DL.Rep.Seller.Contract(a)(v).Xref = Part 3.17(a)(v)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Contract(a).Xref = Part 3.17(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Contract(b).Xref = Part 3.17(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Contract(c).Xref = Part 3.17(c)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Insure(a).Xref = Part 3.18(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Insure(c).Xref = Part 3.18(c)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Insure(d).Xref = Part 3.18(d)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Insure(f).Xref = Part 3.18(f)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Insure.Xref = Part 3.18
    DL.Rep.Seller.Environment(e).Xref = Part 3.19(e)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Environment.Xref = Part 3.19
    DL.Rep.Seller.Personnel(a).Xref = Part 3.20(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Personnel(b).Xref = Part 3.20(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Personnel(c).Xref = Part 3.20(c)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Personnel(d).Xref = Part 3.20(d)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Personnel(e).Xref = Part 3.20(e)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Labor(b).Xref = Part 3.21(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(a)(i).Xref = Part 3.22(a)(i)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(a)(ii).Xref = Part 3.22(a)(ii)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(a)(iii).Xref = Part 3.22(a)(iii)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(a)(v).Xref = Part 3.22(a)(v)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(a)(vi).Xref = Part 3.22(a)(vi)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(a)(vii).Xref = Part 3.22(a)(vii)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(a).Xref = Part 3.22(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(c)(i).Xref = Part 3.22(c)(i)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(c).Xref = Part 3.22(c)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(d).Xref = Part 3.22(d)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(e).Xref = Part 3.22(e)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(f).Xref = Part 3.22(f)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(g).Xref = Part 3.22(g)
    DL.Rep.Seller.IP(h).Xref = Part 3.22(h)
    DL.Rep.Seller.Insider.Xref = Part 3.24
    DL.Rep.Seller.CustomerAndSupplier.Xref = Part 3.26
    DL.Rep.Seller.ProductLiability(a).Xref = Part 3.27(a)
    DL.Rep.Seller.ProductLiability(b).Xref = Part 3.27(b)
    DL.Rep.Seller.29.Xref = Part 3.29
    DL.Rep.Buyer.Authorized.Xref = Part 4.2
    DL.Cond.Buyer.3.Xref = Part 8.3
    DL.Claim.Buyer.Xref = Part 11.2
    DL.Claim.Buyer(f).Xref = Part 11.2(f)
    xSched.2.2.Xref = Schedule 2.2
    This.sec = This {Doc.Ti} is entered into as of {EffectiveDate.YMD}, by and among the parties.
    Why.Ti = Recitals:
    Why.secs = {_Sellers} wish to sell all of their shares in Acquired Companies, as defined below, and Buyer wishes to buy all such shares.
    That.sec = The parties agree as follows:
    Seller.1.Share.Sec = {Seller.1.Name.Full} "{Seller.1.Handle}": {Seller.1.ShareQuantity.#}
    Seller.2.Share.Sec = {Seller.2.Name.Full} "{Seller.2.Handle}": {Seller.2.ShareQuantity.#}
    Seller.3.Share.Sec = {Seller.3.Name.Full} "{Seller.3.Handle}": {Seller.3.ShareQuantity.#}
    Seller.4.Share.Sec = {Seller.4.Name.Full} "{Seller.4.Handle}": {Seller.4.ShareQuantity.#}
    xSignature = __________________________
    Sign.YMD = ____________________
    Head.PartyList = {Seller.PartyList.Name.Full}
    P1.US.Contract.Among.Sec = {Seller.US.Contract.Among.Sec}
    P2.US.Contract.Among.Sec = {Buyer.US.Contract.Among.Sec}
    P1.US.Contract.By.Sec = {Seller.US.Contract.By.Sec}
    P2.US.Contract.By.Sec = {Buyer.US.Contract.By.Sec}
    = [G/AgtForm/US/Frame/Buyer-Seller/0.md]
    // = Dummy parameters (replace these with your actual terms)
    Doc.GUID = Doc.GUID
    Seller.PartyList.Name.Full = Seller.PartyList.Name.Full
    Buyer.Name.Full = Buyer.Name.Full
    EffectiveDate.YMD = EffectiveDate.YMD
    Seller.US.Contract.Among.Sec = Seller.US.Contract.Among.Sec
    Buyer.US.Contract.Among.Sec = Buyer.US.Contract.Among.Sec
    _party = party
    _parties = parties
    Buyer.US.N,E,A = Buyer.US.N,E,A
    Why.Secs = Why.Secs
    Business_Day.Jurisdiction = Business_Day.Jurisdiction
    Price.Total.Sum.$ = Price.Total.Sum.$
    Price.Close.Sum.$ = Price.Close.Sum.$
    Price.Escrow.Sum.$ = Price.Escrow.Sum.$
    Buyer.Atty.US.N,E,A = Buyer.Atty.US.N,E,A
    Closing.Time.cl = Closing.Time.cl
    Closing.Cond.SatisfactionDeadline.YMD = Closing.Cond.SatisfactionDeadline.YMD
    Closing.EffectiveDate.YMD = Closing.EffectiveDate.YMD
    Employee.Agt.Persons.cl = Employee.Agt.Persons.cl
    InterimBalanceSheet.ShareholdersEquity.Sum.$ = InterimBalanceSheet.ShareholdersEquity.Sum.$
    Price.Adjust.Mediator.cl = Price.Adjust.Mediator.cl
    Cap.Common.Auth.# = Cap.Common.Auth.#
    Cap.Common.Par.$ = Cap.Common.Par.$
    Cap.Common.Issued.# = Cap.Common.Issued.#
    Audited.YMD = Audited.YMD
    BalanceSheet.YMD = BalanceSheet.YMD
    Fiscal.Years.# = Fiscal.Years.#
    Unaudited.YMD = Unaudited.YMD
    Unaudited.Months.# = Unaudited.Months.#
    Books.Location = Books.Location
    FILO.AltX.sec = FILO.AltX.sec
    Return.AcquiredCompany.Since.YMD = Return.AcquiredCompany.Since.YMD
    Return.Closed.Until.Year = Return.Closed.Until.Year
    AuditSince.Year = AuditSince.Year
    AdjustSince.Year = AdjustSince.Year
    Expenditure.Threshold.Sum.$ = Expenditure.Threshold.Sum.$
    Proceeding.Since.Year = Proceeding.Since.Year
    Proceeding.MaxLoss.$ = Proceeding.MaxLoss.$
    Release.Max.$ = Release.Max.$
    Cap.Expense.Max.$ = Cap.Expense.Max.$
    Loan.Max.$ = Loan.Max.$
    Note.Max.Each.$ = Note.Max.Each.$
    Note.Max.Total.$ = Note.Max.Total.$
    PayOut.Threshold.$ = PayOut.Threshold.$
    PayIn.Threshold.$ = PayIn.Threshold.$
    Property.Threshold.$ = Property.Threshold.$
    CapExpense.Threshold.$ = CapExpense.Threshold.$
    Debt.Max.$ = Debt.Max.$
    Policy.Since.Year = Policy.Since.Year
    Policy.Preceding.Years = Policy.Preceding.Years
    Claim.Threshold.$ = Claim.Threshold.$
    Cover.Risks.AltX.sec = Cover.Risks.AltX.sec
    NoDeny.Since.Year = NoDeny.Since.Year
    WorkComp.Claim.Year = WorkComp.Claim.Year
    CompensationChange.Since.YMD = CompensationChange.Since.YMD
    AccrualAsOf.YMD = AccrualAsOf.YMD
    Terminated.Since.YMD = Terminated.Since.YMD
    Strike.Since.Year = Strike.Since.Year
    Complaint.Since.Year = Complaint.Since.Year
    Lockout.Since.Year = Lockout.Since.Year
    Discrimination.Since.Year = Discrimination.Since.Year
    Assign.Since.YMD = Assign.Since.YMD
    Since.YMD = Since.YMD
    Customer.Years = Customer.Years
    Customer.Year.YMD = Customer.Year.YMD
    Customer.Large.# = Customer.Large.#
    Supplier.Large.# = Supplier.Large.#
    Register.State.the = Register.State.the
    FinancialReport.Month.Wait.Days = FinancialReport.Month.Wait.Days
    FinancialReport.Month.Content = FinancialReport.Month.Content
    Noncompete.Years = Noncompete.Years
    Noncompete.OtherShare.Max.% = Noncompete.OtherShare.Max.%
    Opinion.By = Opinion.By
    Estoppel.Certificates.Behalf.of = Estoppel.Certificates.Behalf.of
    Buyer.Atty.Name.Full = Buyer.Atty.Name.Full
    Buyer.Cond.Satisfy.Deadline.YMD = Buyer.Cond.Satisfy.Deadline.YMD
    Loss.Buyer.Threshold.Sum.$ = Loss.Buyer.Threshold.Sum.$
    Loss.Buyer.Max.Aggregate.Sum.$ = Loss.Buyer.Max.Aggregate.Sum.$
    Loss.Seller.Threshold.Sum.$ = Loss.Seller.Threshold.Sum.$
    Loss.Seller.Max.Sum.$ = Loss.Seller.Max.Sum.$
    Seller.Representative.US.N,E,A = Seller.Representative.US.N,E,A
    Law.State.the = Law.State.the
    Tribunal.State.cl = Tribunal.State.cl
    Tribunal.USDC.cl = Tribunal.USDC.cl
    Seller.Representative.Notice.Block = Seller.Representative.Notice.Block
    Buyer.Notice.Block = Buyer.Notice.Block
    Seller.US.Contract.By.Sec = Seller.US.Contract.By.Sec
    Buyer.US.Contract.By.Sec = Buyer.US.Contract.By.Sec
    Annex.sec = Annex.sec
    lmss-M&A Purchase = http://lmss.sali.org/RCr24hGjy5GJ6AOHToVT7YN