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Ti = Term and Termination
1.sec = This {_Agreement} is effective as of the {_Effective_Date} and will continue until the first anniversary of the {_Effective_Date}, at which time this {_Agreement} will automatically terminate unless extended by mutual written agreement of the {_parties}.
Comment: The Agreement does not automatically renew because (1) the Data Provider is likely to want a finite end to Data User’s data retention rights, (2) the Data User is likely to want a finite end to its obligations under this Agreement, especially in view of the fact that the data will become stale at some point, and (3) changes in data privacy laws (or other laws) may necessitate adjustment to the contractual terms over time. =
2.sec = Either {_party} may terminate this {_Agreement} if the other {_party} has materially breached the {_Agreement} and has failed to cure such breach within thirty (30) days of written notification of such breach by the other {_party}.
3.sec = Either {_party} may terminate this {_Agreement} for any reason on ninety (90) days’ prior written notice to the other {_party}.
Comment: Ninety days was selected to provide Data User with ample time to “wind down” use of the Training Data. This timeframe can be tailored for the particular scenario at issue. =
4.0.sec = The following Sections of this {_Agreement} will survive termination of this {_Agreement}:
4.1.sec = Sections {Def.Xnum}, {Use.2.Xnum} (for the duration of the retention period, if any),
4.2.sec = {Use.3.Xnum} (for one (1) year following termination or expiration of this {_Agreement} and thereafter until such date as {_Data_User} ceases use of the {_Trained_Model}),
4.3.sec = {RightsInTrainedModel.Xnum}, {Conf.Xnum}, {DataProtect.Xnum} (for any period during which {_Data_User} has possession or control of the {_Training_Data}),
4.4.sec = {Life.4.Xnum} and {Misc.Xnum}.
4. = [G/Z/ol-i/s4]
= [G/Z/ol-a/s4]