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Note = This file has "parameterized terms." We replace terms that we consider to be defined in the Agreement with the same terms, exactly, but wrapped in green. Note that we have make some judgment calls. There is unstable use of the defined terms. We think that "Party" "Party to the Paris Agreement" and "Party to this Agreement" all mean the same thing. We also consider that the initial cap "Party", as opposed to "party" is used throughout the document even though it should not be - for instance with respect to "Party to the Convention." These parameterized terms attempt to make that distintion, while not modifying the text at all. We do that via discretion in the use of green.
Conference_of_the_Parties = Conference of the Parties
Convention = Convention
Parties = Parties
Party_to_this_Agreement = Party to this Agreement
Parties_to_this_Agreement = Parties to this Agreement
Party_to_the_Paris_Agreement = Party to the Paris Agreement
Parties_to_the_Paris_Agreement = Parties to the Paris Agreement
Party = Party
Parties_to_the_Convention = Parties to the Convention
Party_to_the_Convention = Party to the Convention
Developed_country_Parties = Developed country Parties
developed_country_Parties = developed country Parties
Developing_country_Parties = Developing country Parties
developing_country_Parties = developing country Parties
the_Convention = the Convention
This_Agreement = This Agreement
this_Agreement = this Agreement