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Notice of Claim:

To: Gerry's Grapes, LLC, 1 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142  "Seller"

From: Roberta Robinson, 666 Winding Drive, Toronto, Ontario X9T-Z3Y "Purchaser"

CC: Safe Hands Facilitated Transactions, Inc., 1550 Bay Street, San Francisco, CA 94123 "Escrow Agent"

Date: 2014-08-16

Re: Claim

Dear Gerry:

This will inform you that on 2014-08-15, Fabulous Express, Inc. delivered package S-98765 to {Purchaser.me/us}. The contents were sent by you and described as:

This notifies you and the Escrow Agent under the terms of our Escrow Agreement dated 2014-08-13:12:05 of {Purchaser.my/our} "Claim."

The Claim is:

{Purchaser.I/We} would appreciate it if you would remedy this problem by:

Your response is required by two business days from the date of the Claim.
