  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
(Sec = (Ti = An EU project.)

(sec = (0.sec = The scope of the project could be something like "(Project.Title = an open source, privacy-preserving, P2P transacting system)
". Deliverables would include: )

(xlist = (Olist =
  1. (Secs = (secs = (1.sec = a rendering engine based on Cmacc inheritance;)
  2. (2.sec = an interface for casual use on phone or laptop;)
  3. (3.sec = interface for power-user, perhaps a "mode" for a standard IDE; git workflow, etc.; )
  4. (4.sec = access management (the most technical and challenging part of the deliverables);)
  5. (5.sec = tools for the individual to have most of their materials securely hosted, and "carry" only a small amount on their device;)
  6. (6.sec = "graph" database application for managing large stores of Cmacc materials. (Conversion from and to the file format, search, access control.))
  7. (7.sec = (7.0.sec = sample of:)
    (7.xlist = (7.Olist =
    1. (7.Secs = (7.secs = (7.1.sec = transactions where the transaction has a flow like the steps of clearing a check - e.g. is validated by hosts of each of party;)
    2. (7.2.sec = examples of privacy-preserving requests managed by the host;)
    3. (7.3.sec = documents for doing EU projects (like this).)


    (7.00.sec = )

  8. (8.sec = GDPR- and PSD2- compliant set of documents for transfers - with multi-lingual equivalences in {Partners.#} languages. )


(00.sec = The parties' data could be hosted by anyone (including the parties). A working hypothetical is hosting by a bank. )
