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(Sec = (Ti = 4 Steps to Epiphany)

(sec = (0.sec = )
(xlist = (Olist =
  1. (Secs = (secs = (1.sec = (1.0.sec = Customer discovery)
    (1.xlist = (1.Olist =
    1. (1.Secs = (1.secs = (1.1.sec = (1.1.0.sec = Phase 1: state your hypotheses)
      (1.1.xlist =
      1. (1.1.secs = (1.1.1.sec = ( = Product)
        (1.1.1.xlist =
        1. (1.1.1.secs = ( = (Product.Features = Product features)

        2. ( = (Product.Benefits = Product benefits)

        3. ( = (Product.IP = Intellectual Property)

        4. ( = (Product.Dependencies = Product dependency analysis)

        5. ( = (Product.Schedule = Product delivery schedule )

        6. ( = (Product.TCO = Total cost of ownership/adoption)


        ( = )

      2. (1.1.2.sec = ( = Customer)
        (1.1.2.xlist =
        1. (1.1.2.secs = ( = (Customer.Type = What type of customer )

        2. ( = (Customer.Problem = What problem is the customer trying to solve)

        3. ( = (Customer.DayInTheLife = A day in the life of the customer)

        4. ( = (Customer.Organization = Organization and who are the influencers within the organization)

        5. ( = (Customer.ROI = Return on investment)

        6. ( = (Customer.MVP = Minimum set of features)


        ( = )

      3. (1.1.3.sec = {Channel})
      4. (1.1.4.sec = ( = Demand Creation)
        (1.1.4.xlist =
        1. (1.1.4.secs = ( = {Demand.Creation})
        2. ( = {Demand.Influencers})

        ( = )

      5. (1.1.5.sec = Market Type)
      6. (1.1.6.sec = Competition)

      (1.1.00.sec = )

    2. (1.2.sec = (1.2.0.sec = Phase 2: test and qualify your hypotheses)
      (1.2.xlist =
      1. (1.2.secs = (1.2.1.sec = First customers contacts)
      2. (1.2.2.sec = Problem presentation)
      3. (1.2.3.sec = In-depth customer understanding)
      4. (1.2.4.sec = Market knowledge)

      (1.2.00.sec = )

    3. (1.3.sec = (1.3.0.sec = Phase 3: test and qualify the product concept)
      (1.3.xlist =
      1. (1.3.secs = (1.3.1.sec = First reality check)
      2. (1.3.2.sec = Product presentation)
      3. (1.3.3.sec = Yet more customer visits)
      4. (1.3.4.sec = Second company reality check)
      5. (1.3.5.sec = First advisory board members)

      (1.3.00.sec = )

    4. (1.4.sec = (1.4.0.sec = Phase 4: verify)
      (1.4.xlist =
      1. (1.4.secs = (1.4.1.sec = Verify the problem)
      2. (1.4.2.sec = Verify the product solution)
      3. (1.4.3.sec = Verify the business model)
      4. (1.4.4.sec = Assess whether to iterate or exit)

      (1.4.00.sec = )



    (1.00.sec = )

  2. (2.sec = Customer Validation)
  3. (3.sec = (3.0.sec = Customer creation)
    (3.xlist = (3.Olist =
    1. (3.Secs = (3.secs = (3.1.sec = (3.1.0.sec = Phase 1: get ready to launch)
      (3.1.xlist =
      1. (3.1.secs = (3.1.1.sec = Construct a market-type questionnaire)
      2. (3.1.2.sec = Choose a market type)
      3. (3.1.3.sec = Agree on the company first year customer creation and sales objectives)

      (3.1.00.sec = )

    2. (3.2.sec = (3.2.0.sec = Phase 2: position the company and product)
      (3.2.xlist =
      1. (3.2.secs = (3.2.1.sec = Select a PR agency)
      2. (3.2.2.sec = Conduct internal and external positioning audits)
      3. (3.2.3.sec = Match positioning to market type)

      (3.2.00.sec = )

    3. (3.3.sec = (3.3.0.sec = Phase 3: launch the company and product)
      (3.3.xlist =
      1. (3.3.secs = (3.3.1.sec = Select a launch by market type)
      2. (3.3.2.sec = Select the customer audiences)
      3. (3.3.3.sec = Select the messengers)
      4. (3.3.4.sec = Craft the message)
      5. (3.3.5.sec = Understand the message context)
      6. (3.3.6.sec = Understand the media for the message)
      7. (3.3.7.sec = Measure success)

      (3.3.00.sec = )

    4. (3.4.sec = (3.4.0.sec = Phase 4: create demand)
      (3.4.xlist =
      1. (3.4.secs = (3.4.1.sec = Select a demand creation strategy matching the company first year objectives)
      2. (3.4.2.sec = Agree on demand creation measurements)
      3. (3.4.3.sec = Iterate, return or exit)

      (3.4.00.sec = )



    (3.00.sec = )

  4. (4.sec = (4.0.sec = Company building)
    (4.xlist = (4.Olist =
    1. (4.Secs = (4.secs = (4.1.sec = (4.1.0.sec = Phase 1: reach mainstream customers)
      (4.1.xlist =
      1. (4.1.secs = (4.1.1.sec = Transitioning from Earlyvangelists to Mainstream Customers)
      2. (4.1.2.sec = Managing sales growth by market-type)

      (4.1.00.sec = )

    2. (4.2.sec = (4.2.0.sec = Phase 2: review management and build a mission-centric organisation)
      (4.2.xlist =
      1. (4.2.secs = (4.2.1.sec = Review management)
      2. (4.2.2.sec = Develop a mission-centric organization and culture)

      (4.2.00.sec = )

    3. (4.3.sec = (4.3.0.sec = Phase 3: Transition the Customer Development team into Functional departments)
      (4.3.xlist =
      1. (4.3.secs = (4.3.1.sec = Set Department mission statements)
      2. (4.3.2.sec = Set Department roles by market-type)

      (4.3.00.sec = )

    4. (4.4.sec = (4.4.0.sec = Phase 4: build fast-response departments)
      (4.4.xlist =
      1. (4.4.secs = (4.4.1.sec = ( = Implement mission-centric management)
        (4.4.1.xlist =
        1. (4.4.1.secs = ( = Mission intention)
        2. ( = Employee initiative)
        3. ( = Mutual trust and communication)
        4. ( = Good enough decision-making)
        5. ( = Mission synchronization)

        ( = )

      2. (4.4.2.sec = Create a culture for information gathering and dissemination)
      3. (4.4.3.sec = Build a leadership culture)
      4. (4.4.4.sec = Iterate and grow)

      (4.4.00.sec = )



    (4.00.sec = )



(00.sec = )
