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The Company hereby grants to each Investor who owns at least {Cap.AA.Ro1R.Threshold.#} Shares or shares of the Company's Common Stock issued upon conversion of the Shares (the "Conversion Stock") (as presently constituted and subject to subsequent adjustments for stock splits, stock dividends, reverse stock splits and the like) (the "Significant Holders"), the right of first refusal to purchase its pro rata share of New Securities (as defined in this Section (1.1(a) = (1.1 = (1 = 1)


) which the Company may, from time to time, propose to sell and issue after the date of this Agreement. A Significant Holder's pro rata share, for purposes of this right of first refusal, is equal to the ratio of (a) the number of shares of Common Stock owned by such Significant Holder immediately prior to the issuance of New Securities (assuming full conversion of the Shares and exercise of all outstanding convertible securities, rights, options and warrants, directly or indirectly, into Common Stock held by said Significant Holder) to (b) the total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the issuance of New Securities (assuming full conversion of the Shares and exercise of all outstanding convertible securities, rights, options and warrants, directly or indirectly, held by all of the Significant Holders).