  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
(Doc = (Head.Div = (Head.Message = GUID: {Doc.GUID})
(Head.Sec =

(Doc.Ti = License Agreement)

(Head.sec = (Head.PartyList = (Head.PartyList/2 = {P1.Name.Full}


(Head.EffectiveDate.sec = (_Effective_Date = Effective Date)
: {EffectiveDate.YMD})




(Among.Div = (Among.Sec = (Among.Ti = (Among.Ti/2 = By and Between:)

(Among.secs = (Among.secs/2 =
  • {P1.US.Contract.Among.Sec}
  • {P2.US.Contract.Among.Sec}


(Among.Def.sec = Each a "(DefT.Party = Party)
" and collectively the "(DefT.Parties = Parties)


(Friends.Div = )


(This.Div =
(This.Sec = (This.sec = (This.sec/2 = This (Doc.Ti = License Agreement)
(this "(DefT.Agreement = Agreement)
") is made as of {EffectiveDate.YMD} ("(DefT.Effective_Date = Effective Date)
"), by and between the (_Parties = Parties)




(Why.Div =

(Why.Sec = (Why.Ti = Recitals)



(That.Div =
(That.Sec = (That.sec = In consideration of the mutual promises contained in (_this_Agreement = this (_Agreement = Agreement)

and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the (_Parties = Parties)
agree as follows:)



(Sec.Div =
(Sec = (sec =
  1. (Def.Sec = (Def.Ti = Definitions)

    (Def.sec = A list of defined terms used in the (_Agreement = Agreement)
    . )


  2. (Deal.Sec = (Deal.Ti = Deal - In Focus Business Points)

    (Deal.sec = This section is intended to focus business attention on business terms that vary from one contract to another and are of immediate importance to the performance of the contract.)

  3. (How.Sec = (How.Ti = How - Background Business Points)

    (How.sec = The business paradigm.)

  4. (Relate.Sec = (Relate.Ti = Relationship - Principal Statements of Assumptions and Allocations of Rights and Risks)

    (Relate.sec = Matters that relate to assumptions of the parties, to contingencies, to unexpected events, methods of communication. Often called "legal" points, and the focus of lawyers' efforts.)

  5. (Misc.Sec = (Misc.Ti = Miscellaneous - More Legal and Mechanics)

    (Misc.sec = Matters common to most contracts.)




(By.Div =
(By.Sec = (By.Ti = Signature)

(By.sec = (By.0.sec = IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the (_Parties = Parties)
have executed (_this_Agreement = this (_Agreement = Agreement)

as of the (_Effective_Date = Effective Date)

(By.secs = (By.secs/2 =





(Annex.Div =

(Annex.Sec =
(Annex.Ti = Annexes)


