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Ti = Additional Representations
0.sec = Each {_Party} further represents that, as of the {_Effective_Date}:
1.sec = it is a regularly established company having the corporate capacity necessary to conclude this {_Agreement} and fulfill all obligations hereunder. It has obtained all internal corporate authorizations in order to execute and deliver this {_Agreement};
2.sec = neither the execution of this {_Agreement}, nor the fulfillment of its obligations hereunder, shall be contrary to any provision in such {_Party}’s charter or bylaws, or any arbitrated or binding legal decision concerning such {_Party};
3.sec = information provided in this {_Agreement} are correct and do not fail to mention a material fact that would misrepresent or mislead the declarations and guarantees stated herein;
4.sec = contract terms are considered legally enforceable obligations, which bind the {_Manufacturer}; and
5.sec = such {_Party} is not the subject of a claim or law suit that might have a material adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations hereunder.
= [G/Z/ol-a/s5]