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Ti = Subcontracting
1.sec = In the case of subcontracting by {_Manufacturer}, the {_Manufacturer} shall remain responsible for the full performance of this {_Agreement}. The {_Manufacturer} shall remain responsible for the actions of its subcontractors.
2.sec = The {_Manufacturer} undertakes to comply with {_Applicable_Law} as it applies to its subcontractors.
3.sec = The {_Manufacturer} undertakes to pay and be fully responsible for any claims for payment (for {_Related_Services} provided to the {_Customer} under this {_Agreement}) made by any one of {_Manufacturer}’s Sub-Contractors directly against the {_Customer}.
4.sec = The {_Manufacturer} must identify all subcontractor used for the delivery of products or services to the {_Customer}. For any {_Related_Services} subcontracted under this {_Agreement}, the {_Manufacturer} undertakes to continue the performance of the {_Related_Services} in the event of total or partial termination of activity of a Sub-Contractor.
= [G/Z/ol/s4]