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Company. = [G/U/Who/acme_incorporated.md]
Investor. = [G/U/Who/andrea_ang.md]
EffectiveDate.YMD = 2021-12-21
PurchaseAmount.$ = $10,000
DiscountRate.% = 8%
Whitepaper.URL = www.github.com/SomeThingOrOther.md
Release.1.% = 33%
Release.1.Period = six (6) month
Release.2.% = 33%
Release.2.Period = twelfth (12) month
Release.3.% = 34%
Release.3.Period = eighteenth (18) month
corporation/limited liability company = corporation
incorporated/organized = incorporated
Company.Incorporate.State = Delaware
certificate of incorporation = certificate of incorporation
Law.Jurisdiction = Delaware
Forum.Jurisdiction = Delaware
Ether_across/on_exchange(s)/index(es) = Ether across exchange(s)
Network_goal_function_and_utility.cl = to facilitate the harmonization of contracting
Base.Valuation.$ = $10,000,000
= [G/OP-SAFT/PO/Form/0.md]
TokenSaleOutsideInvestors.DeminimisThreshold.$ = $1,070,000