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Doc.Ti = Food Supply Master Agreement
EffectiveDate.YMD = {MSA Effective Date}
Doc.GUID = {MSA Document Number}
Why.Secs = To formalise the terms of trading between {_P1} and {_P2}.
Point.sec = To be specified in {_POs}.
Deal.PO.Ti = Purchase Orders
Deal.PO.sec = All purchases will be documented by {_POs}.
Deal.PO. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
Deal.Pay.Ti = Payment
Deal.Pay.1.Ti = Due
Deal.Pay.1.sec = {_P1} will pay {_P2} in full for all uncontested charges not later than {Payment Due Within} after delivery of the {_Products}.
Deal.Pay.2.Ti = Method
Deal.Pay.2.sec = {_P1} will pay {_P2} by bank transfer to {_P2}'s account at: {Supplier Bank Information}.
Deal.Pay.3.Ti = Late Charge
Deal.Pay.3.sec = Any charge that is unpaid within that time will bear interest at the rate of {Interest on Late Payments} per annum from the time of delivery of the related {_Products} until paid in full.
Deal.Pay. = [G/Z/ol/3]
Deal.Delivery.Ti = Delivery
Deal.Delivery.Shipping.Ti = Packing and Delivery
Deal.Delivery.Shipping.sec = {_P2} takes full responsibility for properly packing, labeling and delivering {_Products} to {_P2}'s receiving area.
Deal.Delivery.Shipping. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
Deal.Delivery.Receiving.Ti = Receiving
Deal.Delivery.Receiving.sec = {_P1} is responsible for keeping its receiving area available during scheduled delivery periods and having personnel available to receive the {_Products}.
Deal.Delivery.Receiving. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
Deal.Delivery.Confirming.Ti = Confirmation
Deal.Delivery.Confirming.sec = {_P2} will confirm receipt of {_Products} at the moment of delivery.
Deal.Delivery.Confirming. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
Deal.Delivery.sec =
Deal.Delivery. = [G/Z/ol/Base]
Deal.sec =
Def.sec = Terms parameterised in {_this_Agreement} are to be defined in the terms annexed to {_this_Agreement} (the "{_Annex}").
Relate.sec = To be specified in the {_Annex}.
Misc.sec = To be specified in the {_Annex}.
= [G/Agt-Outline-Universal-CmA/Outline/Base/0.md]
Annex.Div =

Annex - {Annex.Doc.Ti}
