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Ti = Key Climate Change Considerations
CodersNote = removing the nested numbering 1.1, 1.2. Higher level numbering will be provided by the context.
1.sec = The Deal will be structured so as not to increase, or amplify the impact of, climate change or the carbon emissions of the parties.
CodersNote = Marked as Optional in the original.
2.sec = The Deal will provide opportunities to reduce carbon emissions and the respective party’s impact on climate change and the Parties agree to work together to identify carbon saving opportunities as part of the negotiations.
CodersNote = See FtNts 4 and 5 in the PDF.
3.0.sec = The respective directors of the parties will consider the financial risks relating to climate change as part of the Deal due diligence in accordance with the {Norm.sec} including the:
3.1.sec = physical risks
3.2.sec = transition risks
3.3.sec = litigation risks
3.secs = {3.secs;and}
3. = [G/Z/ol-a/s3]
Norm.Alt1.sec = recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Norm.Alt2.sec = Bank of England’s climate risk taxonomy and climate stress tests
Norm.SecName = Norm
Norm. = [G/Z/Alt/2]
CodersNote = Marked as Optional in the original.
4.sec = If having considered the risks summarised in paragraph {3.Xnum} the parties conclude that there are significant climate risks present in the Deal they will, as a Condition Precedent or Condition Subsequent, agree a plan to mitigate the risks identified.
= [G/Z/ol/s4]
3.Xnum = 3