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Note = The source code for this is available at https: github.com/CommonAccord/NW-NDA. A running version is at http://commonaccord.org/index.php?action=list&file=G/NW-NDA/.
Ti = Root for Jurisdictions
1.sec = The organizational structure (ontology) here is by jurisdiction, using the ____ system of country codes (BE/DE/FR/US). /00/ is jurisdiction neutral basic components - ontologies.
2.sec = Within the jurisdiction is the language code using the ___ system of language codes (DE/EN/FR). (Note the overlaps, which are disambiguated by their position, /US/EN/ means a US-compatible agreement, in English /BE/DE/ means a German language agreement fit for Belgium.
3.sec = As you navigate the folders, look for the 0.md file at the top of the list, which will usually bring together and/or explain the content of the folder.
= [G/Z/ol/s3]