  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
Note = Click on "Document" (above) to see four versions of an agreement Frame - with 2 or 4 parties, in English, French, Polish and Google-translated Dutch and German. Have a laugh.
Note = Here are the parties:
P1. = [G/U/Who/acme_incorporated.md]
P2. = [G/U/Who/abigail_altima.md]
P3. = [G/U/Who/solomon_shirley.md]
P4. = [G/U/Who/quake_incorporated.md]
P1.Handle = Acme
P2.Handle = Altima
P3.Handle = Shirley
P4.Handle = Quake
Note = Here are the four agreements:
PL. = [F/PL/00/Agt/Base/Frame/2Parties/0.md]
FR. = [F/FR/00/Agt/Base/Frame/3Parties/0.md]
US. = [F/US/00/Agt/Base/Frame/4Parties/0.md]
NL. = [F/NL/00/Agt/Base/Frame/2Parties/0.md]
ES. = [F/ES/00/Agt/Base/Frame/2Parties/0.md]
Note = This is a table that is completed with the four.
r00t =
xSignature = _____________
US.Head.Message = (US form of agreement)
FR.Head.Message = (French form of agreement)
PL.Head.Message = (Polish form of agreement)
NL.Head.Message = (Netherlands form of agreement, rough translate)
ES.Head.Message = (Spanish form of agreement, rough translate)