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Note = This presents the ICC arbitration clauses in four different languages. It demonstrates a way for an organization to maintain a set of preferred terms in a variety of languages. These can be transcluded for use in agreements.
Note = As a bit of legal interest: This speaks to the issue of linguistic equivalence. While no translation can be exact (in part because text is never exact), the ICC will give the same meaning to these different formulations. Which is the way it should be. Query - how would that map to the notion of "strict constructionism"?
Note = Here are the four language sources:
DE. = [G/ICCWBO-Arbitration-CmA/Sec/DE/0.md]
EN. = [G/ICCWBO-Arbitration-CmA/Sec/EN/0.md]
ES. = [G/ICCWBO-Arbitration-CmA/Sec/ES/0.md]
FR. = [G/ICCWBO-Arbitration-CmA/Sec/FR/0.md]
Note = For examples of how to parameterize documents. These are the defaults. You can override.
ADR.45 = 45
EXP.1.Xnum = Xnum??
r00t = Table{Table}Columns{Columns}List{List}
Note = The same texts is presented in three formats -- tabular side-by-side, columns, and sequential (a list). No particular reason.
Columns =
Table = {Intro.Row}{ARB.1.Row}{ARB.2.Row}{ADR.1.Row}{EXP.1.Row}
Intro.Row =
ARB.1.Row =
ARB.2.Row =
ADR.1.Row =
EXP.1.Row =
List = :
  1. {ES.List}
  2. {FR.List}
  3. {EN.List}
  4. {DE.List}