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Doc.Ti = Community Data License Agreement – Permissive – Version 1.0
Note = Removing definition 7 - "Ledger".
Def.secs = {Def.1.sec}
  • {Def.2.sec}
  • {Def.3.sec}
  • {Def.4.sec}
  • {Def.5.sec}
  • {Def.6.sec}
  • {Def.8.sec}
  • {Def.9.sec}
  • {Def.10.sec}
  • {Def.11.sec}
  • {Def.12.sec}
  • {Def.13.sec}
  • {Def.14.sec}
  • Sublicense.1.1.sec = You may do so under a license of Your choice provided that You give anyone who Receives the Data from You the text of this Agreement, the name of this Agreement and/or a hyperlink or other method reasonably likely to provide a copy of the text of this Agreement; and
    Sublicense.1.2.sec = You may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of that Enhanced Data, or for any combination of Data and Enhanced Data as a whole, provided that Your Use and Publication of that combined Data otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License.
    Note = Removing section 3.3 "may not restrict ...."
    Sublicense.sec =
    1. {Sublicense.1.sec}
    2. {Sublicense.2.sec}
    3. {Sublicense.4.sec}
    4. {Sublicense.5.sec}
    Note = Otherwise identical:
    = [G/CDLA-IO/Sharing-1-0.md]
    !!! = #