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RentedObject.Description.cl = Apartment 4A
RentedObject.Location.cl = 111 Canal Street, Amsterdam, NL
Manager.ContactInfo.cl = Acme Rental Management Partners, Tel: +31 32 33 34 35
Tenancy.Begin.YMD = 2021-04-01
Tenancy.InitialPeriod.End.YMD = 2021-04-30
Tenancy.End.YMD = 2023-04-01
PaymentTo.AccountNumber.# = NL-BN-0123456-789
PaymentTo.AccountName.cl = Acme Rental Mgmt
Payment.InitialPeriod.DueDate.YMD = 2021-03-29
Note = There are two sections which have multiple alternatives for the type of tenant - student, disabled, large family, etc. (TODO improve with semantic names.)
1.2. = [G/NL-Roz-Form-Rental/Original/Sheet-Supplies-GarbageCleaningSecurity.md]
Note = Not self-contained:
RentedObject.self-contained.sec = {RentedObject.self-contained.Alt2.sec}
Tenant.ReceivedEnergyLabel.did/did not = did
Note = Individual meter charges
4.1.2.sec = {4.1.2.Alt1.sec}
Note = Specified bank account
PaymentMethod.sec = {PaymentMethod.Alt2.sec}
Payment. = [G/NL-Roz-Form-Rental/Original/Sheet-Payment-Monthly1000EUR.md]
Supplies. = [G/NL-Roz-Form-Rental/Original/Sheet-Supplies-GarbageCleaningSecurity.md]
RentAdjustment.Decontrolled.FirstDate.YMD = 2022-04-01
RentAdjustment.Non-Decontrolled.FirstDate.YMD = N/A
RentAdjustment.Decontrolled.MaxPercentage.% = 5%
Note = Security Deposit Accrues interest
SecurityDeposit.Interest.sec = {SecurityDeposit.Interest.Alt1.sec}
SpecialProvision.1.sec = All tenants are invited to pizza night on the second Thursday of each month.
SpecialProvision.2.sec = All tenants are invited on a tour of the canals once every calendar quarter.
Note = 2 year (TODO - Improve using prefixing)
= [G/NL-Roz-Form-Rental/Original/Sheet-Duration-TwoYear.md]
Note = Good use of prefixing:
Penalty. = [G/NL-Roz-Form-Rental/Original/Sheet-Penalty-10-60.md]
= [G/NL-Roz-Form-Rental/Original/RentalContractNL-ENG-Orig.md]