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This presents examples of each of six forms of Safe Notes: Three US varieties and one for each of Canada, Caymen Islands and Singapore. Above you can see each of them. You can also see the deal points - investor names, dates, amounts, caps, discounts and jurisdictions - from all of them in the "All-SAFEs" proseObject. =
All the Safes are made from a common core - called "Base" in the /Form/ folder (navigate up one level). The differences as among them are expressed as overlays on the Base Form. There is also a kit of changes for US Safes generally and for Canadian Safes in the /Z/ folder. Those changes relate mostly to the difference in the Safe's use of "Shares" versus "Stock" and similar language issues. =
The Caymens and Singapore Safes have many of the Canadian variations, and are made by referencing the Canadian form. =
It seems that some differences are improvements that the Canadians and others made as they worked on the documents - that is, those changes seem equally applicable to the US versions. In a deployment approach, these changes could be propogated to the Base - as a kind of pull-request. =
I would be delighted to work with anyone who wants to extend this into other jurisdictions or use-cases. Or spots any errors. Pull-requests most welcome. =
Also delighted to get benediction or banishment, or even pull-requests, from YCombinator and the lawyers who originated these. Even better if one of them wanted to take over this repo. =
The repo is at https://github.com/CommonAccord/YCombinator-SAFE-2020. For presentation on commonaccord.org, that repo is mounted at https://github.com/CommonAccord/Cmacc-Org/tree/master/Doc/G/YCombinator-SAFE-2020/Demo. =
Thanks. =