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Lexicon. = [G/GA4GH/Data-Sharing-Lexicon/Form/0.md]
GA4GH.EN. = [G/GA4GH/DataSharing-Framework/EN/Form/0.md] Global Alliance for Genomics and Health Data Sharing Framework
GA4GH.FR. = [G/GA4GH/DataSharing-Framework/FR/Form/0.md] en français
SectionNames. = [G/Agt-License/Demo/SoftwareOutline-WithFullConfidentialityText.md]
LinuxFoundation: = [G/CDLA-IO/] Linux Foundation Community Data License Agreement
Linux(Raw): = [G/Community-Data-Licenses-Agreement_Releases/] (not made into objects yet)
EU = [G/EU/Europa/DataProtection/StandardContractualClauses/InternationalTransfer/Form/] "Standard Clauses" for Data Processing Agreements
DLA-Piper EU: = [G/Intra-Group-Data-Transfer-Agt/] Very modular EU compliant, based on the roles and whether each party is in/out of EU. Done by Mark O'Conor, DLA Piper, for the Law Society of England and Wales.
Mistral_AI. = [G/Mistral_AI/Data_Processing_Agreement/Form/Agmt-Exhibits-Appendix.md]
NVCA. = [G/NVCA/2020/LifeScience-License-TermSheet/Form/0.md] very flat outline, vibrant community
Old Open Source Project: = [G/Org-ContributorAgreements-CmA/]
a16z: = [G/a16z-contracts/licenses/pr0b/] Andreesen Horowitz had some superb lawyers draft licenses for NFTs near the height of the bubble. One of those lawyers, Mark Radcliffe, DLA Piper (Silicon Valley), is a legend in open source. Mark tried to get a conversation with a16z about CommonAccord, but we didn't get there. The project stalled, at least partly for lawyer/coder coordination reasons that CommonAccord could solve.
Generally: = [S/Index/DataSharing/License.md]
16 = {17 17}
17 17 = seventeen
IP Pooling is adjacent to data use agreements, a subject of a great deal of interest in the privacy and distributed data communities that I came to know via MIT Connection Science. =