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Ti = A Decentralized Social Order for the Information Age:
1.Ti = Introduction
1.1.sec = Perhaps the dominate feature of industrialization, automation, trade and networking is that decisions that used to be made here, by us and those we know, are instead made far away, by others. Having your life governed by others has an inherent problem of legitimacy and disempowerment. There are also practical problems: distant decisions are often thinly informed, procrustean and based on formalisms that go awry. The deciders are also subject to the agency problem; they have incentives distinct from the persons for whom the decisions are made.
1.2.sec = This problem gets bigger and more intractable as we give over daily tasks to suppliers and automated systems, and as we depend for an increasing amount of our environment and income on companies and government.
1.3.sec = The system of production - which provides our needs - has been substantially centralized, as have the systems of decision. Most of us do not directly produce our own food, clothing, shelter or fuel. The dangers of nodes of power identified by thinkers such as Jefferson have been navigated surprisingly well until now. But the problem compounds with each advance in scale.
1.4.sec = Decentralization might provide some help. It can preserve some element of the social equivalent of autonomy and biodiversity. It does not provide an answer to the problem of extreme interdependence, and tremendous dependencies remain. But it might help keep some power in the hands of the people directly affected. Similarly, decentralization of data - reducing the need for members of a group to entrust all of their information to a leader in order to participate - can reduce the risk of abuse and spillage.
1. = [G/Z/ol/s4]
2.Ti = Forms
2.0.sec = Here are three forms of decentralization:
2.1.Ti = Decentralization of Organization
2.1.sec = CommonAccord shows how many "legal" decisions can be decentralized using the legal convention of signed documents and techniques from open source software. It can enable personal and small group decisions with legal consequence by providing actionable information, and can facilitate large group decisions by providing a tool for, and alternative to, legislation and regulation.
2.2.Ti = Decentralization of Communication
2.2.sec = The blockchain enables decentralized record-keeping and accounts. This is a profound change and particularly important as we produc increasingly comprehensive records of our every movement and thought.
2.3.Ti = Decentralization of Automation
2.3.sec = Programs running on the blockchain are an efficient way to decentralize the automation of bureaucracy. Modules of agreed procedures and consequences can be run jointly rather than by one party. They can be apps, created and curated like open source software. This will be particularly dynamic because it can bring the ecosystem of open source and the technique of modularity to bear on complex systems.
2. = [G/Z/ol/s3]
= [G/Z/ol/2]