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Proposal for an app using a graph database of CommonAccord materials. =
CommonAccord is a simple data model for legal text and transactions. It is based on files of plain-text key/values. =
It would be useful to have a more robust application. This memo lays out some goals for a graph database app and some context. First the context. =
CommonAccord, combined with an access control mechanism such as UMA, and payment systems such as blockchain, can provide a broad solution to transacting, from routine payments to complex operations. This can be interfaced to transaction systems that provide interfaces and additional functionality, such as Effacts's deal logic. =
Currently, CommonAccord materials are kept as files of plain-text key/values. These are managed using git, file management tools and editors. Currently we treat this as the canonical version, and may continue to do so. =
Objects are made by references from one file to another, by the name of the other file (the files are ordinarily local and have a common root, but references can also be made to a URL). The principal function of the system is to allow transacting by referencing objects for persons, properties and a form of documentation. These render into a custom document, completed with appropriate information, based on a parser. The current parser is was written rapidly, over a year ago, in perl, by Primavera De Filippi. =
Files obviously have limitations for management of high volumes of transactions. The object model of CommonAccord can be expressed as a graph and the rendering function can be, we think, done as a fixed query with parsing of the result. =
Goals: =
1. Import of Cmacc files, retaining all the properties and functionality of the key/values. Perhaps also retaining loose text in them (TBD). =
2. Export to Cmacc files. =
3. Rendering of Cmacc documents. Using the paradigm of the current parser, with full compatibility. Starting with a specified list, expand any variables in the value of a specified key, recursively. Include in the list any referenced lists (expand the list). Must be lazy or at least semi-lazy. =
We presume this requires two modules i) a query that returns the first occurrence of a key in an expanded list, and ii) a parser that substitutes the value associated with that key for the variable. The parser should ideally be written as a module that can also be used in other apps, and could become _the_ standard for Cmacc rendering. =
Some error-handling - notably - a list (file) is not found, or references of key/values/variables are circular. =
Presentation in the current "views" of Doc and Print, and also in an Xray view. (For Xray, a video and precedent code are available, it is similar to the Doc view but requires care in keeping track of which list a key/value came from.) The Xray view should be customizable by, for instance different presentation (CSS) of values from a particular list or from a particular time period, author, etc. =
4. Edit with a number of functions - i) override a key/value by creating a new one and saving the result as a new list that references the existing one ii) include a new list, iii) comment or curate lists and key/values, iv) radio buttons of a collection of possible key/values (from search) saving the result as a key/value in a new list (the goal is that _all_ elements that result in a view are persisted as new lists of key/values). =
5. Search and reporting functions. The result of queries for, e.g.: 1) from a list, provide a listing of includable keys, with filtering by various criteria, 2) from a specified list, all lists which reference the specified list (and recursively lists which reference those lists) with possibility of filtering, 3) a list of all the key/values that are actually used in document (this "flattening" of the list-inclusions can be useful for a counterparty to easily propose modifications and to maintain confidentiality of the object model when dealing with a partner). =
6. Sharing parts of the database by access, and possibility of export of parts. =
Link(s): =
http://neo4j.com/graphgist/github-HazardJ%2Fgists%2F%2FDoc_Source_Graph.adoc/ =