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Ti = Gratitude
1.0.sec = If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:
1.1.0.sec = retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed Material:
1.1.1.sec = contact information of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material;
1.1.2.sec = contact information of any prior Adapter(s) of the Licensed Material;
1.1. = [G/Z/ol-i/s2]
1.2.sec = provide the creator(s) and any prior Adapter(s) of the Licensed Material with information sufficient to identify each location where you have Shared the Licensed Material.
1. = [G/Z/ol-AA/s2]
2.sec = You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(b)(1) in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be reasonable to satisfy the conditions of Section 3(b)(1)(B) by providing a URI or hyperlink to a resource that includes the required information.
3.sec = If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the information required by Section 3(b)(1)(A) to the extent reasonably practicable.
= [G/Z/ol/s3]