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Total.Sum.$ = $10,000,000
Close.Sum.$ = $8,000,000
Escrow.Sum.$ = $1,000,000
Note.Principal.$ = $5,000,000
Note.Interest.% = 8%
Note.Principal.MaturityYears.# = 5
Note.Principal.PaymentInstallments.# = 5
Note.Principal.PaymentPeriod.cl = annual
Note.Principal.PaymentDate.First.YMD = October 1, 2017
Note.Principal.PaymentDate.Anniversary.cl = and on October 1 of each year thereafter
Note.Interest.PaymentPeriod.cl = monthly
Note.PaymentForm.cl = certified check
Note.PaymentPlace.cl = the First National Bank of Our Town, USA
Adjust.Mediator.cl = Anders & Sons, 17 Washington St., Greenbay, Wisconsin