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Ti = Consent Categories and Descriptions
general_research = Use of the data is limited only by the terms of the Data Use Certification.
health_medical_biomedical = Use of the data is limited to health/medical/biomedical purposes, does not include the study of population origins or ancestry.
disease_specific = Use of the data must be related to {Disease.Desc}.
geographic = Use of the data is limited to within {GeoRegion.Desc}.
organization = Use of the data is limited to within {Organization.Name.Full}.
population = Use of the data is limited to studies within {Population.Desc}.
/Note = Additional
0.Sec = Your data may be used only following purposes:
1.Ti = general_research
1.sec = {general_research}
2.Ti = health_medical_biomedical
2.sec = {health_medical_biomedical}
3.Ti = disease_specific
3.sec = {disease_specific}
4.Ti = geographic
4.sec = {geographic}
5.Ti = organization
5.sec = {organization}
6.Ti = population
6.sec = {population}
= [G/Z/ol/6]