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CodersNote = This NDA so far makes very little use of the -TermSheet. As an example of a way to handle a non-conformed document, we take the prompts for parameters as they were expressed in the original Word document form created by the EU IP Helpdesk. Ideally, we would rename the prompts into a conforming set of parameter names. Or we could do that on the fly by reassigning the prompts to conforming names using the style "promt name={Conforming.Name}. This idea needs to be ground finer.
P1. = [G/U/Who/acme_holland.md]
P2. = [G/U/Who/quake_ie.md]
CodersNote = We reference the deal terms, enabling use to access its parameters for those few places we do:
= [G/NW-NDA/99/Demo/-Termsheet_Acme-Quake.md]
CodersNote = We reference the form of agreement:
= [G/EU-IP-HelpDesk/NDA/Mutual/EN/Orig-v01.md]
CodersNote = Here are the prompts:
insert number of day = 27th
insert Month and Year = December, 2020
official name of the potential partner or participant 1 = {P1.Name.Full}
insert the Legal Address of the Entity 1 = {P1.US.Adr.1,2}
…1 = {_P1}
official name of the potential partner or participant 2 = {P2.Name.Full}
insert the Legal Address of the Entity 2 = {P2.US.Adr.1,2}
…2 = {_P2}
PurposeDescription.sec = {PurposeDescription.Alt2.sec}
identify the call = Blocks and Bricks
identify the EU-funded Programme = EU Bridges
number of months or years = two years
be supplemented by or supplement or supersede = supercede
months or years = two years
choose the applicable law = the Netherlands
choose the jurisdiction to settle disputes = The Hague
Sign.1.insert name of participant or potential or current partner = {P1.Name.Full}
Sign.1.insert name of representative = Alice Atwater
Sign.1.insert title = Manager
Sign.1.place = Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Sign.1.date = 27 December 2020
Sign.2.insert name of participant or potential or current partner = {P2.Name.Full}
Sign.2.insert name of representative = Bertie Bettelbaum
Sign.2.insert title = Director
Sign.2.place = Dublin, Ireland
Sign.2.date = 28 December 2020