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DesignersNote = This is a Materials Transfer Agreement, not an NDA. But the two are very similar. A person gives another access to something, under certain conditions, and the business part is not so developed that it looks like a license agreement. MTAs are a major, high-volume problem for which there are some highly (but imperfectly) developed systems. Cf. consents to use of information, notably patient consents. These are interesting also because of the multiple roles - institution and scientist, on both sides.
Provider.Institution.SignDate.YMD = 2018-01-07
Material.Description.cl = cancerous skin samples
Recipient.Research.Title = protein target suppression in various skin samples
TransferFee.$ = $1,000.00
Recipient.Scientist.US.Work.profession = Professor of Neurobiology
Recipient.Scientist.SignDate.YMD = 2018-01-09
Recipient.Institution.xSignature = xMIT_2344562
Recipient.Institution.Sign.YMD = 2018-01-10
Recipient.Scientist. = [G/U/Who/solomon_shirley.md]
Recipient.Scientist.Handle = Recipient Scientist
Recipient.Institution. = [G/U/Who/mit_edu.md]
Recipient.Institution.Handle = Recipient Institution
Provider.Institution. = [G/U/Who/brown_edu.md]
Providing.Scientist.Handle = Providing Scientist
Provider.Scientist. = [G/U/Who/andrea_ang.md]
Provider.Institution.Handle = Provider Institution
= [G/BrownEdu/MaterialsTransferAgreement/Outbound/Form/0.md]