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CodersNote = To make this NDA, we reference the deal terms:
= [G/NW-NDA/99/Demo/-Termsheet_Acme-Quake.md]
CodersNote = We reference the form of agreement:
= [G/NW-NDA/US/00/EN/Form/TechContracts.md]
LawyersNote = An advantage of using common materials is that they can accumulate greater stability of meaning via usage, commentary and the like. (Cf. ALI Restatements, UCC, Napoleonic Code and any other statutory solution.) This can also happen in smaller increments, with any common materials. In this document, the terms come from TechContracts. Those contracts have the advantage of having been drafted from a somewhat neutral viewpoint and having David Tollen's commentary in his book and on his site. So ... perhaps the "Construction" section can be modified:
Misc.Construe.sec = The parties agree that the terms of this {_Agreement} result from inclusion of a form agreement. This {_Agreement} will not be construed in favor of or against either party by reason of authorship. Commentary in the book "The Tech Contracts HANDBOOK" (David Tollen, ABA) will be deemed influential in construction of included text.
/Misc.Construe.sec = The parties agree that the terms of this {_Agreement} result from negotiations between them. This {_Agreement} will not be construed in favor of or against either party by reason of authorship.