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/ = We now add an outline of sections for an MSA. We have selected the "Deep14" outline, which groups provisions into heading such as "Remedies," "Dispute Resolution" and "Miscellaneous." This helps (IMHO) finding and reading, and tends to move the lawyerly material to the back of the agreement so that the business materials can be at the front. We also add a "Variables" section, in keeping with a (good) modern trend. This puts at the front the kinds of terms that are the focus of business discussion and commonly change.
/ = Again, click on "Document", "Visual", "Print" or "xEdit" above to see the blank form with the party information completed for both identification and signature. Then go to Step3.
/ = We add the original outline:
= [G/WorldCC/Agt-MasterService-CmA/Outline/-Original/0.md]
/ = We reference Step 1:
= [G/WorldCC/Agt-MasterService-CmA/Demo/Step1-Frame-of-Agreement.md]