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/ = We now add the text of the sections. Note first that I have not completed all of the choices in the text. Then note that:
  1. The defined terms are links to the definitions. This aids the reader and reduces errors by the draftsperson.
  2. The cross-references are links to the sections. These are correctly numbered as part of the organization of the outline. ("Xref" and "Xnum.") In the actual text, we make the references semantically as "{Warranty.Xref" or {CustomerObligation.Xref}. The outline file matches the Xnum to the right number for the outline. This means that the cross-references can be reused in many different outlines. It also helps the author to focus on meaning rather than chasing after numbers.
  3. (ToDo!) A number of alternative phrasings are available. Click on "xEdit" to see these presented with an interface that lets you make choices.
  4. (ToDo!) A number of variables are also parameterized. In xEdit, you can fill in information and save it. (Pick a name, and don't be shy about trying this. The website will save it temporarily and throw it out the next time the website is updated. (To do real work, clone your own version and work locally.)
/ = We add the library of Section texts, which will populate the outline:
= [G/WorldCC/Agt-MasterService-CmA/Sec/0.md]
/ = To the deep outline we made:
= [G/WorldCC/Agt-MasterService-CmA/Demo/Step2-MSA-Outline.md]