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EffectiveDate.YMD = 2017-08-24
Conf.Life.sec = {Conf.Life.Alt1.sec}
Conf.Engage.Access.Cond.sec = {Conf.Engage.Access.Cond.Alt2.sec}
Conf.Engage.Access.Role.sec = {Conf.Engage.Access.Role.Alt3.sec}
Conf.Engage.Access.sec = {Conf.Engage.Access.Alt2.sec}
Conf.Intro.sec = {Conf.Intro.Alt1.sec}
/ = To demonstrate the flexibility of Prose Objects, we now strengthen the treatment of Confidentiality by including the more extensive Confidentiality provisions and a more extensive definition of "Confidential Information." We do that by referencing objects from the Agt-NDA-CmA form that originated with CooleyGo (but is substantially modified). We override the definition of Confidential Information and the Section on Confidentiality.
/ = We override by referencing the desired provisions:
Def.Confidential_Information. = [G/Agt-NDA-CmA/Sec/Def/Confidential_Information/0.md]
Conf. = [G/Agt-NDA-CmA/Sec/Relate/Conf/0.md]
_P1 = {_Customer}
_P2 = {_Provider}
= [G/WorldCC/Agt-MasterService-CmA/Demo/Step3-MSA-FullText.md]