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// = Open parameters as of Datestamp:Timestamp (2017/08/30:1504075269):
Doc.GUID = Acme-Quake-MSA-v01
EffectiveDate.YMD = 2017-08-30
Why.sec = Acme wishes to obtain the services of Quake.
RenewPeriods.TimeSpan = six month
AgtStop.Notice.TimeSpan = sixty days
ServiceRejectionNotice.TimeSpan = ten {_Business_Days}
ChargesPaidWithin.TimeSpan = thirty days
MaxAnnualIncreaseInCharges.% = 5%
ChargesLatePaymentMonthlyInterestRate.% = 12%
www.provider.com = www.quake.com/policies.html
GoverningLaw.cl = the law of England and Wales
Tribunal.cl = courts sitting in London, England
TerminationByCustomer.ForBreachByProvider.TimeSpan = thirty days
TerminationByCustomer.ForBreachByProvider.CurePeriod.TimeSpan = five {_Business_Days}
TerminationByProvider.ForFailureToPayByCustomer.CurePeriod.TimeSpan = five {_Business_Days}
TerminationByProvider.ForBreachByCustomer.CurePeriod.TimeSpan = five {_Business_Days}
Charge.ServiceCancellationBeforeCommencement.cl = 15% of the annual {_Charge} for the {_Service}
Charge.ServiceCancellation.PaymentDueWithin.TimeSpan = ten {_Business_Days}
// = Prior existing parameters:
Customer. = [G/U/Who/acme_incorporated.md]
Provider. = [G/U/Who/quake_incorporated.md]
sec = We include only the "Variables Section"
The {_MSA} terms are incorporated by reference.
/ = The form of agreement:
= [G/WorldCC/Agt-MasterService-CmA/Form/-VariablesFirst/0.md]