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/ = Limit is that each key must be two characters.
Sm = Sam
Gn = Green
gn = green
Ge = {Gn} eggs
ge = {gn} eggs
Gh = {Ge} {ah}
gh = {ge} {ah}
ah = and ham
NL = I {dn} like
dn = do not
nL = I {wn} {lt}
Nt = {NL} them
WL = {Wy} {lt}
NE = I {wn} {et}
IN = I will not {et}
IE = I will {et}
wn = {wd} not
Cn = {Cd} not
cn = {cd} not
et = eat them
-I = -I-am
SI = {Sm}{-I}
Tt = Try them
AI = And I {wd}
ob = in a boat
ih = in a house
wm = with a mouse
Wg = With a goat
wg = with a goat
ib = in a box
wf = with a fox
Ht = Here {ot}
ht = here {ot}
aw = anywhere
ot = on a train
Ic = In a car
ic = in a car
it = in a tree
Id = In {td}
id = in {td}
td = the dark
ir = in the rain
At = A train
Wc = {Wy}, {cd} you
lt = like them
Ty = Thank you
wn = will not
Ym = You may
ym = you may
ot = or there
Wy = {Wd} you
Cy = {Cd} you
sg = so good
Et = Eat them
lb = let me be
Ys = You will see
ys = you see
Cd = Could
cd = could
Wd = Would
wd = would
r00t = I am {Sm}
{Sm} I am

That {SI}
That {SI}!
That {SI}

Do you like




{WL} {ih}?
{WL} {wm}?

{Nt} {ih}.
{Nt} {wm}.
{Nt} {ht}.
{Nt} {aw}.
{NL} {gh}.
{Nt}, {SI}.

{Wy} {et} {ib}?
{Wy} {et} {wf}?

Not {ib}.
Not {wf}.
Not {ih}.
Not {wm}.
{NE} {ht}.
{NE} {aw}.
I {wn} eat {gh}.
{Nt}, {SI}.

{Wy}? {Cy}?
{Et}! {Et}!
Here they are.

I {wn},

{Ym} {lt}.
{Ym} {lt}
In a tree?

I {wn}, {cn} {it}.
Not {ic}! You {lb}.
{Nt} {ib}.
{Nt} {wf}
{Nt} {ih}
I {dn} {lt} {wm}
{Nt} {ht}.
{Nt} {aw}.
{NL} {gh}.
{Nt}, {SI}.

{At}! {At}!
{At}! {At}!
{Cy}, {wd} you

Not {ot}! Not {it}!
Not {ic}! {Sm}! {lb}!
I {wn}, {cn}, {ib}.
I {cn}, {wn}, {wf}.
{IN} {wm}
{IN} {ih}.
{IN} {ht}.
{IN} {aw}.
{Nt}, {SI}.

Here {id}!
{Wc}, {id}?

I {wn}, {cn},

In the rain?

I {wn}, {cn}, {ir}.
Not {id}. Not {ot},
Not {ic}, Not {it}.
{Nt}, {Sm}, {ys}.
Not {ih}. Not {ib}.
Not {wm}. Not {wf}.
{IN} {ht}.
{Nt} {aw}!

You {dn} like

I {dn}

{Cy}, {wd} you,

I {wn},

{Wc}, {ob}?

I {cn}, {wn}, {ob}.
I {wn}, {wn}, {wg}.
{IN} {ir}.
{IN} {ot}.
Not {id}! Not {it}!
Not {ic}! You {lb}!
{Nt} {ib}.
{Nt} {wf}.
{IN} {ih}.
{Nt} {wm}.
{Nt} {ht}.
{Nt} {aw}!



You {dn} {lt}.
So you say.
{Tt}! {Tt}!
And {ym}.
{Tt} and {ym} I say.

If you will {lb},
I will try them.

I like {gh}!
I do! I {lt}, {SI}!
{AI} {et} {ob}!
{AI} {et} {wg}.
And {IE} {ir}.
And {id}. And {ot}.
And {ic}. And {it}.
They are {sg} {sg} {ys}!

So {IE} {ib}.
And {IE} {wf}.
And {IE} {ih}.
And {IE} {wm}.
And {IE} here and there.
Say! {IE} {aw}!

I do so like