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EXHIBIT 8.6(a) =
Ti = Opinion Letter–Counsel to Sellers
0.1.sec =


0.2.sec = {Buyer.N/1/2}
Note = conform "Stock Purchase Agreement" to "Purchase Agreement" - as elsewhere @hazardj.
0.3.sec =
Re:Acquisition of {Company.US.N,E,A} (the “{_Company}”) by {Buyer.US.N,E,A} (the “{_Buyer}”) pursuant to the {SPA.Doc.Ti} dated {SPA.EffectiveDate.YMD} (the “{_Purchase_Agreement}”)
0.4.sec = Ladies and Gentlemen:
0. = [G/Z/paras/s4]
Intro. = [F/US/00/Agt/Acquire/Shares/MSPA/Annex/Atty_Opinion_Seller/Sec/Intro/0.md]
Examined. = [F/US/00/Agt/Acquire/Shares/MSPA/Annex/Atty_Opinion_Seller/Sec/Examined/0.md]
Rely. = [F/US/00/Agt/Acquire/Shares/MSPA/Annex/Atty_Opinion_Seller/Sec/Rely/0.md]
Opine. = [F/US/00/Agt/Acquire/Shares/MSPA/Annex/Atty_Opinion_Seller/Sec/Opine/0.md]
Limit. = [F/US/00/Agt/Acquire/Shares/MSPA/Annex/Atty_Opinion_Seller/Sec/Limit/0.md]
00.sec = Very truly yours,

xlist = {Intro.sec}
= [G/Z/ol/Base]