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Ti = Data Privacy
sec = {If relevant, insert applicable GDPR, HIPAA or other applicable privacy terms.}
= [G/Z/Base]
Comment: Generally, this Attachment B allows the Data Provider to specify data handling and treatment practices to preserve the privacy of the data subjects from which the data was collected. For example, if the Data Provider has aggregated or pseudonymized the data in an effort to address privacy concerns, the Data User may be required to adhere to certain data handling practices to ensure that those steps are not circumvented either intentionally or unintentionally. Also, the parties may want to limit human inspection of some or all of the data. In other circumstances, the parties might use technological privacy enforcement practices including differential privacy; data brokering; or requiring data be processed inside trusted security spaces such as via containers, data bricks, cryptographic kernels, or with the assistance of a trusted third party. Each of these approaches may require specific data handling practices to be effective. =