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Ti = Provision of Data
1.sec = {_Data_Provider} agrees to make the {_Training_Data} (and any updates if applicable) available to the {_Data_User} as described in Attachment {Annex.ProjectDetails.Xnum}.
Comment: Attachment A should be used to specify any requirements around delivery of the data, for example: when the data will be provided to the Data User, the technical mechanism to be used for that delivery, and/or any formatting requirements. If the Data Provider will be refreshing or adding to the Training Data over time, Attachment A can also make clear the nature of those updates and how frequently they will be provided to the Data User. =
2.sec = All {_Personal_Data} (if any) included in the {_Training_Data} is as described in Attachment {Annex.ProjectDetails.Xnum}.
Comment: If Personal Data is included in the Training Data, that should be made clear to Data User in Attachment A. The Parties can then use Attachment B, as referenced in Section 7c below, to set out any additional terms that may be required, e.g., to satisfy GDPR requirements. =
= [G/Z/ol-a/s2]