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Ti = Rights Related to Trained Model
Comment: Generally, this section includes clauses that protect the Data User’s ability to use the Trained Model. =
1.sec = If there are any rights {_Data_Provider} holds in the {_Trained_Model} by virtue of {_Data_User}’s {_Training}, {_Data_Provider} irrevocably grants {_Data_User} a sublicensable license to all such rights.
Comment: This license has been included to address the possibility that a particular jurisdiction may (now or in the future) recognize the Data Provider as having some proprietary interest in the Trained Model because its data was used in the Training. It has been intentionally drafted to avoid any acknowledgment by either party that such rights exist. =
2.sec = {_Data_Provider} has no rights or interest in any {_AI_Model}s or other output developed using the {_Trained_Model} because of this {_Agreement}. No implied rights are granted under this {_Agreement}.
Comment: This clause provides assurance to Data User and any downstream users of the Trained Model that Data Provider has no claim to (or right to be compensated for) any intellectual property or other developments created using the Trained Model. =
3.sec = This {_Agreement} does not impose any restrictions with respect to the use of the {_Trained_Model}.
= [G/Z/ol-a/s3]