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Ti = Use of Data
Comment: Generally, this section includes clauses that protect the Data Provider’s interests in the Training Data. =
1.sec = {_Data_User} agrees to use the {_Training_Data} solely for the purpose of {_Training} the {_AI_Model}.
2.sec = {_Data_User} may retain the {_Training_Data} for the duration of this {_Agreement}. {_Data_User} will delete all {_Training_Data} from its systems and records on termination of this {_Agreement} (or based on the retention period set forth in Attachment {Annex.ProjectDetails.Xnum}, if specified), except as required by applicable law.
Comment: The term of the Agreement is by default 1 year. To the extent the Data User may need to retain the data for a longer period of time, the parties can decide to extend the term of the Agreement or to add a separate (and perhaps more limited) retention right in Attachment A. =
3.sec = {_Data_User} agrees to make {_Trained_Model} publicly available under an {_Open_Source_License} that includes a general disclaimer of liability in favor of the {_Data_Provider}.
Comment: This clause requires dissemination of the Trained Model under an Open Source License in order to encourage data sharing and to facilitate the use and development of the AI model. In particular, it provides an incentive for Data Providers to share the Training Data since it would be for the benefit of the wider community. Of course, the parties to an agreement may decide to limit availability of the Trained Model in some fashion, where an Open Source License would no longer be appropriate. Note that this form does not require the Data User to maintain or update the Trained Model over time, including in the event Data Provider makes additional data available to Data User, because of the potential administrative burden that would impose, but the parties can add language to this agreement to impose such a requirement. =
= [G/Z/ol-a/s3]