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Ti = Legal Applications
0.sec = While the CommonAccord data model (Cmacc) can be used in a broad variety of applications, the core mission of CommonAccord is codification of the law. The range of applications includes:
1.sec = Model documents, such as this NIH Patent License Agreement: Wx/gov/nih/ott/License/Patent/Exclusive/Form/_v0.md
2.sec = Full codification via outlines based on a trunk of Agt/License/Patent - Law/Out/Form/Agt/License/Patent/Exclusive/bNIH_v0.md
3.sec = Projects to strengthen weak legal systems via codified legal documents, auditing, and mobilephone access. Reinforcing Legal Institutions and the Rule of Law through Peer-to-Peer Transacting
= [G/Z/ol/s3]