  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=File.Sec): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
  1. The Files are plain text, and each consists of a list of key/values ("Key/Value"), where the Value can be either a string or the name of another File. For instance:
    • r00t={HW}
    • HW=Hello World
    • [Dx/Acme/01-AngelRound/01-SAFE-Robinson_v0.md]
    • Buyer.=[G/U/Who/acme_incorporated.md]
  2. The Key/Values are delimited by a start-of-line, the first equals sign ("=")(the Value may contain an equals sign) and an end-of-line. (There is reason to want to change this to a double end-of-line.)
  3. The file format is the canonical form, but the data model can also be done in a database, including a blockchain or a graph database. It may be convenient to use JSON.