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Note = These are the terms of the Note. The Note is instantiated in all of the four forms of the SAFE - Cap, Discount, Cap_Discount and MFN.
PurchaseAmount.$ = $50,000
EffectiveDate.YMD = September 27, 2015
Post-MoneyValueCap.$ = $2,000,000
DiscountRate.% = 8%
Company. = [G/U/Who/acme_incorporated.md]
Company.xSignature = xA-Altima-95M3ncQz9r
Company.Sign.YMD = September 28, 2015
Investor. = [G/U/Who/andrea_ang.md]
Investor.xSignature = xA-Ang-w4lDIn925u
Investor.Sign.YMD = September 27, 2015
Law. = [G/U/Place/US/CA/Geo]
r00t = Investment Note
Amount of the Note:{Amount.$}
Date Funded: {Funded.YMD}
Agreed Valuation: {ValuationCap.$}
Discount Rate: {Discount.%}
Applicable Law: {Law.State}